
Bring your home back to life with scents

There are certain scents that can make your home feel more alive and supportive.  For example, the smell of fresh flowers, cinnamon sticks or vanilla can add a sense of warmth to a house. The trick is finding one that works for you. As you journey through widow life, different blends can support you at various points. Let's explore some natural diffuser options for your home. 

Essential oils work together like teams, so feel free to mix and match.

When it comes to choosing essential oils for your home, you can practically use them all! But if you're new to using them in your space, it makes sense that you'd want a little guidance. The good news is that every single one of these scents is totally safe and will enhance the energy of any room—you just need to know how best to combine them.

One of the best ways to add scent is using an ultrasonic diffuser (I love this one) and start filling up with a single oil or blending them.  You can diffuse single oils, oil blends or create a blend. 

When it comes to essential oils, there's no wrong answer.  To assist you in starting to blend oils you'll find several suggested blends in this post.  These combinations are sure to make any room feel more inviting and take away any stress lingering in the air!

Essential oils can help with the emotional aspect of redecorating your home.

The emotional support that comes from redecorating your home is important. If you're a sufferer of grief and anxiety, an essential oil diffuser can help you feel more at ease in the space. Essential oils work through our olfactory system and can trigger memories that can soothe the soul and lift spirits up again.

Wellness experts recommend diffuser blends containing lavender, which is known to be calming and relaxing; rosemary, which helps with focus; lemongrass, which gives off an energizing citrus scent; or tea tree oil (combined with eucalyptus), which helps relieve congestion within our respiratory system when sprayed into the air.

For those who are looking for something other than a diffuser blend, consider using candles made from soy wax instead! Although this type of candle does not last as long compared to other types like paraffin candles do because the wick burns out sooner due to its higher melting point temperature rating - this won't matter if it's just being used for decoration purposes anyway! This option works great if you want something small enough so as not take up too much room yet still provide some light without having any harmful chemicals come out onto surfaces nearby when lit up."

A blend for grief

To bring comfort and peace to yourself as you grieve, combine Console with peppermint.

Console is a blend of frankincense, sandalwood, rosemary and cedarwood that has been shown to reduce stress levels while promoting relaxation. Peppermint essential oil can be used to treat headaches, nausea and digestive issues by supporting your body’s natural processes through the liver. Aromatically it is invigorating and help you connect to your inner strength.

A blend for making tough choices

Diffuse this blend to help you make tough choices.
  • Basil: Inhaling the scent of basil is said to stimulate the mind, improve concentration and promote clarity.
  • Grapefruit: The citrusy aroma of grapefruit can be uplifting and energizing, making it a great scent for when you need a boost of motivation or inspiration.
  • Lavender: The calming scent of lavender can help ease anxiety and calm nerves when you're feeling overwhelmed by an important decision or task at hand.
  • Wintergreen: Often used as a natural alternative to menthol in products like toothpaste or cold medicine, wintergreen's minty aroma has been shown to increase focus and alertness while reducing stress levels.*
In general use of wintergreen is NOT recommended around pets.  If you have pets in the  home, I would substitute Siberian Fir for the wintergreen.

A blend for decluttering and sorting

If you're looking to clear out the collections in your home, try a blend of lemongrass and spearmint essential oils. Lemongrass is known for its ability to stimulate energy and creativity while also helping with focus. Spearmint is great when it comes to boosting memory retention and concentration. This combination will not only help you declutter your space but also keep you alert as you go through each item on your list of things that need to be let go!

To make this scent blend add 3 drops of each to the water in your diffuser. Take a few minutes to breathe in the blend and begin to sort. Remember, you don't need to do this all at once. Stop if it starts to feel overwhelming.

A blend for embracing change

A blend of rosemary and wild orange, this scent is perfect for helping you to feel uplifted by the world. The citrusy notes of wild orange are bright and invigorating, while rosemary has a relaxing effect on both body and mind. If you're in need of some positivity in your life or just want to increase the abundance of positive energy around you, this blend is an excellent place to start!

Experiment! Create a blend to help you feel connected to your loved one.

If there is a scent that reminds you of your spouse try to use it to feel connected to the love you shared. For example, my spouse enjoyed OnGuard paired with Wild Orange. I use these oils in a variety of blends to feel connected in different ways. 

How to use a diffuser

A clean diffuser is the first step to creating a beautiful home. It’s easy to overlook this, but don’t: You want your diffuser to be as clean and fresh as possible before you start using it.

First, wipe down the exterior of the diffuser with a damp cloth or paper towel. Then rinse out with water any oils or dust that might have accumulated inside. Finally, fill your new diffuser with distilled or filtered water and add just a few drops of essential oil (we recommend 5–10 drops for smaller rooms).

Diffusing essential oils is a great way to enjoy their benefits. Diffusers use vibrating plate to evaporate the essential oil into the air, dispersing it across a room. This is different than aromatherapy candles or incense, which burn the essential oil and fill your home with smoke.

You can purchase an electric diffuser or make one yourself a passive diffuser using an empty water bottle or jar, some cotton balls with essential oils (some people even just add a few drops of oil to dryer balls.)

Either way, these methods are easy and don’t require any special equipment – you can use them anywhere in your house!

Diffused scents can help you return to beloved memories or create new joyful ones or support you in redecorating

  • Creating a new home environment: If you’re moving into a new home or apartment, essential oils can help you create your own unique scent. Use essential oils to set the mood for each room in your home. For example, lavender is great for bedrooms because of its calming effect; jasmine is perfect for kitchens because it evokes feelings of warmth and happiness; and citrus oils like lemon and orange are uplifting in any room.
  • Returning to beloved memories: Did you grow up watching Star Wars? Then why not add a dash of bergamot oil into your diffuser when making popcorn, one of the movie's foods? Or if you loved spending time with your grandma as a child, perhaps adding frankincense oil could bring back those memories when walking through her favorite park near your childhood home!
  • Creating new joyful ones: When my family first moved into our current house four years ago, we had no idea what scents would make us feel at home here—but now I know exactly which fragrances evoke that feeling! Whenever I smell fresh-cut grass on the lawn (from citronella), or hear raindrops tapping on the window (from geraniums), I'm immediately comforted by everything being right in this place where we've lived together ever since then."

Start diffusing!

Don’t be afraid to experiment with essential oils and blends. The best way to start is by putting a few drops into a diffuser, waiting until the scent fills your home, then walking around and smelling where you think new memories might happen. Then put some more drops in a diffusing device! This can take time so don't rush it; give yourself time to explore different scents and their effects on how you feel. There are thousands of combinations out there so no matter what your style or taste is don't be afraid to try something new!

Looking for even more diffuser blends? Sign-up to get this free PDF of my top 16.

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