
Embracing Light in Times of Darkness

Do you ever feel like the world is a bit too dark, especially as we move into longer nights? Stick around, friends, because today I’m talking about how you can be your own source of light in the midst of darkness.

My calling is to guide recently widowed empty nesters through the labyrinth of loss. In this post, I'm delving into 'Embracing Light in Times of Darkness,' a topic that's especially relevant as the northern hemisphere heads into a season of longer nights.

Why Light is Important

You might not realize it, but light plays a massive role in both our physical and psychological well-being. It regulates our circadian rhythm, helps with sleep patterns, and boosts our energy and concentration levels. On the flip side, too much darkness can throw us off balance. Studies show it affects not just our mood, but also our bone and cardiovascular health.

I totally get it. One dark, cool, rainy or snowy day can feel cozy and invigorating. But by day three? Ugh. The urge to hibernate kicks in, making focus a challenge and my mood a little wonky.

Simple Ways to Embrace Light

  1. Open the Curtains: Kick off your day by letting in some natural light. Trust me, your mood and your houseplants will thank you.
  2. Light a Candle or a Salt Lamp: There's something about the soft, warm glow that calms the spirit.
  3. Spend Time Outdoors: Even a brief walk can do wonders. Nature is the original mood booster.
  4. Laugh: Watch a funny video or call that friend who always has you in stitches. Laughter is an instant light-bringer.
  5. Talk with Someone: Human connection can light up your world like nothing else. Reach out, and you'll feel your inner light flicker back to life.

Special Tips for Those Grieving

After losing my partner, the world felt darker than ever. Focus and energy were hard to come by, and sadness, of course, became a constant companion. So, what did I do?
  • Journaling: Sometimes just a sentence, sometimes pages, but always cathartic.
  • Mantras: Simple affirmations to validate my worth while acknowledging my loss and my emotions.
  • Essential Oils: Products like the Aroma Essentials Collection bring solace to my mind and soul.
  • Fur Therapy: My dogs kept me moving, even when I didn't feel up to it.

The Community Aspect

Support from a grief counselor, friends, family, and even fellow widows brought light into my darkest moments. Early outings without my dogs, albeit short, were small victories in reclaiming my light.

Wrapping Up

I hope this helps you find a way to shine, even when it feels like you're enveloped in darkness. If you're looking for more ways to embrace light, make sure you're on my email list. I send out tips, resources, and little rays of sunshine straight to your inbox.

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