
Embracing Patience in Planning: Mindful Goal Setting for a Hopeful Year Ahead

In the world of resolutions and yearly goals, I've discovered a more mindful approach that's better suited to the ebbs and flows of life, especially for us who have experienced profound loss. This approach isn't about setting rigid goals but about being adaptable and patient with ourselves. I revisit and revise these goals 3-4 times a year, ensuring they align with my evolving needs. This is not a race; it's a journey of self-care and understanding.

Goal Setting with Mindfulness

I begin by carving out time for reflection and journaling, creating a serene environment with my favorite doTERRA blends, either 5 drops of Wild Orange with 2 drops of Balance, or 4 drops of Adaptiv with 2 drops of Balance in my diffuser. This sets the stage for introspection - how do I want to feel, what experiences am I seeking, how can I nurture myself more? I focus on attainable, personal goals, avoiding unrealistic expectations. I jot down these thoughts, along with essential tasks like tax preparation and home projects, forming a clear, achievable plan.

Reflective Exercise and Journaling Prompts.

  • Describe a feeling or state of mind you wish to cultivate this year. How does it manifest in your daily life?
  • Identify one personal achievement that would bring you joy. What small steps can you take towards it?
  • Consider the essential tasks in your life. How can you approach them with patience and care?

Strategic Thinking and Planning

Next, I engage in decision-making and strategic planning, often starting by applying a mix of Adaptiv® and Serenity® on my feet, symbolizing stepping forward with faith and calm. I define the timeframe for my plan – be it a week, a month, or a quarter. I include time for rest and rejuvenation, like visiting my favorite botanical garden or enjoying a massage, ensuring I'm prepared for life's unpredictable moments. To keep my vision alive, I create a visual reminder or affirmation, revisiting it regularly to maintain focus and excitement.

Celebrating Small Successes

As an empty nest widow, celebrating small victories has become even more meaningful. Whether it's scheduling an important appointment or achieving a weekly goal, I acknowledge these moments. Perhaps a spritz of Cheer® or Citrus Bloom® to uplift the spirit, or treating myself to a special coffee, these small celebrations are vital reminders of progress and joy in our journeys.


Remember, patience with yourself and the process is key. Thoughtful planning takes time and energy, but it's a worthwhile investment in your wellbeing. If you're not on my email list yet, join for weekly resources tailored for our unique journey. Follow me on social media for daily inspiration, natural wellness tips, and more.

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